A downloadable prototype of Ascend for Windows

Ascend! Rise back from the pit you fell into. You are an angel, are you not? Heal your wings!

Ascend is a roguelike vertical side scroller, tasking you with flying back out of the pit of hell. Though broken, you are an angel, and in order to escape, you have to repair yourself. Fix your wings and recover your magic to gain new abilities, and rise to the place you fell from!

Ascend was the game I created for the 2020 Global Game Jam, with the theme of Repair. It is only a prototype, and I will be morphing it into a full game in time, which I will likely post in a separate page on its own.


Ascend 2.8 MB

Install instructions

When running the game, make sure to keep all contained files together in a single folder. It won't run without the required files being in the folder with it.

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